Student Blogs

The Right Place.

January 18th, 2011 armare12

“I don’t even know if I’m in the right place.”

The ten words sounded awfully familiar to me. So did the nervous tone. I think I must have said those words to myself about a billion times within the first few weeks at Trinity and this American student was clearly experiencing the same dilemma I had had more than quite a few times. Was she in the right building? Was she headed to the right classroom? Did she have the materials she needed? So many unanswered questions. As I passed the girl who was voicing her concern to another student, I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

It’s so funny how time changes everything. This time, when I stepped off the plane and took my first breath of the Irish air, I felt strangely at home and put together. I felt like I was in the right place.

On Monday, I attended my Irish Literary Autobiographies class (a small course with only seven students) and was greeted with hugs from all. Our professor was clearly excited to see us and have us back in class. Today, I had my Supernatural Literature class for the first time, a class that is not only interesting in itself, but was made ever more lovable by my hilarious professor. I am in the right classes, ones that make me happy, ones that make me want to reach for more than what’s on the syllabus.

On my way to the grocery store, I stopped along Grafton to observe the street performers, many familiar but some new to the scene, taking in the ever-familiar dynamic. I was headed in the right direction.

This is what I wanted to tell the girl who seemed so worried. I wanted to tell her that she would find her classroom, but more importantly, I wanted to tell her that she would find her place. Maybe not today. Or tomorrow. Maybe not one week from now. Or two weeks. But, I knew without a doubt, that at the end of this semester that she, very much like me, will be sad to leave the place she will have come to know as her third home.

One Response to “The Right Place.”

  1. Kelsey says:

    beautifully done

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