Student Blogs

It’s the Little Things in Life

January 27th, 2011 armare12

Some days, it’s just the little things in life that make you smile and feel an all-familiar warmth from your head to your toes. Today, two of those minute things-however odd they may seem-completely made my day.

1.When Remy and I got back from lunch over which we discussed our ICIP projects with our advisor, Maeve, (it was a really delicious lunch and we learned a lot about what each other was doing for the project-more to come in a later post about the projects!) I discovered that a book I had ordered for my Irish Literary Autobiographies Class had arrived! You can probably tell that I like—actually, love, adore, live, breathe, etc., etc.—reading and so I raced back up to my room happily, with the square brown parcel tucked underneath my arm. Upon reaching my room, I began to tear apart the package. I got through one layer, then another, then another, to find that the book was beneath four layers of wrapping—talk about safe shipping! (And, it was coming from Dublin—I question whether there would have been that many bumps along the way!) Well, I finally got to the book-and the smell of it absolutely made my day. You know the smell of an older book-you can tell it’s either been on the shelf in a bookshop for a long time, or right next to some really antiquated books that have probably passed from person to person (tell me I’m not crazy here…) And, better yet, this book was second-hand. I LOVE second-hand books; I love them infinitely more than a new book; if I had a choice, every single book I had would be a second-hand book and I’ll tell you why. It’s that feeling of connection with the previous reader, that the book has already impacted a life and is just being passed on. I LOVE THEM.

2.I also attended a choral evensong in the chapel this evening, which was absolutely beautiful! Sometimes it just takes an hour of music to refocus and find oneself in the presence of God. And, ironically, a member of the U.S. embassy was at the choral evensong today-talk about uncanny! (And, I’ve been reading quite a bit of uncanny literature, seeing as two of my English classes are centered around the Supernatural. I don’t even like scary movies, so you can only imagine the nightmares that these readings have produced).

And on this damp, cold day (although, it’s nothing in comparison to the daily pounding of snow that the Northeast seems to be experiencing), a cup of tea is keeping me warm from head to toe…literally.

3 Responses to “It’s the Little Things in Life”

  1. Kelsey says:

    this is so great!! and no way are you crazy!! haha!!

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