Student Blogs

A Crusader Reunion in La Coruna, Espana

April 14th, 2011 armare12

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you’ve read the names Kelsey, Nora, and Amanda more than once! If you couldn’t already tell, these three girls are a few of my favorite Crusaders, so excited hardly begins to describe how I felt when I woke up on the morning of April 9th, knowing that I would be departing for La Coruna, Spain in the matter of a few hours! I simply couldn’t wait to see the girls and the city where Kelsey and Nora have spent the past seven months of their junior year. As wonderful and amazing as Skype chats and email conversations are, they do not begin to compare to seeing someone in person or fully capturing a story or experience! To get to La Coruna from Dublin, I first had to fly to Madrid. Any small worries regarding a language barrier that may have lingered were quickly dissipated upon the process of landing in Madrid. I have never been one to enjoy roller coasters, so as you could imagine, taking off and landing are my least favorite parts of a flight journey! As we proceeded to descend, I jumped in my seat and the woman next to me, observing both my nervousness and the fact that I probably couldn’t speak Spanish, proceeded to ask if I was okay, and if I needed some gum. She was just so genuinely kind and I wished I could have expressed my gratefulness for her concern more fully! The next thing I knew, I was in the Madrid airport, anxiously waiting for my flight to La Coruna to take off. I tried to read the book I had brought, but I was far too excited to focus on the words on the page! Upon stepping off the second flight, I basically sprinted my way past people wheeling suitcases, right into the open arms of Kelsey, Nora, and Amanda (who had arrived in Spain a few hours earlier!)!

The three full days in Coruna were truly one of the highlights of my entire year! It was so fun to walk around the city, and see everything that Kelsey and Nora see on a daily basis—and Coruna is a most beautiful and homey place to live! The first day, we walked on the Paseo Maritimo, taking us to the Torre de Hercules (the lighthouse below!), the Plaza of Maria Pita, the beach, and really beautiful views of Coruna! The weather (all three days) was incredibly sunny and clear—quite unlike Dublin where there always seems to be a cloud lingering somewhere in the sky! (Yesterday, one of my flatmates called me “tan!” If you know me, you know that I never ever get tan. I go from pale to lobster in a matter of minutes in the sun—and legitimately have never been called tan in my entire life! Clearly, I need to go back to Coruna—not really for that reason, but because I’m missing these three too much already!) Our trip also consisted of walking around the wonderful shopping areas in Coruna—there were too many beautiful scarves to count and I think I found three new favorites in every store that we walked into! We had delicious magdalenas at Caffe Vecchio, an adorable café, ate amazing pizza at an Italian restaurant in the Plaza, tried pulpo (or octopus—a Coruna speciality! See the octopus picture below!) among other tapas. We also traveled up in a glass bubble (I think it was called Monte de San Pedro, to see the city from a different, really amazing view!) On the upper level, there were many museums, and a maze that Amanda and I would have been put to the test to go through if it wasn’t being clipped! (phew! Haha!) Pictures –or words!—can hardly capture what a wonderful time I had seeing the girls, or what a beautiful city La Coruna is! Saying goodbye was more than difficult, but when we counted the weeks, we realized that it was about eight until we would all be back in the States—and able to reunite once again!

The amazing friendships and love that bind the Crusader family are entirely irreplaceable; and that special bond is exactly why I wouldn’t trade this year of study abroad for anything—because I know that I have a second family in Worcester who I can always rely on, and who will finally be fully reunited in the Fall. The only quote to fully capture this friendship across the miles would be the one that Kelsey and Nora put on the HC reunion shirts they created when they came to Dublin:

“Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.”

6 Responses to “A Crusader Reunion in La Coruna, Espana”

  1. Kelsey says:

    I really don’t know what to say besides the fact that this is an absolutely amazing blog entry!!! You have an incredible memory (everything was even spelled correctly) and such a way with writing!!! I miss you soo much!!!!

  2. Nora says:

    Im glad you had fun in Coruna!!!!!! I miss you and can’t wait to reunite on the hill!

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